
Dear parents and guardians, 

It’s hard to believe that we are nearing the end of the first semester of the 2024-25 school year. I’m writing with a few updates and reminders as we close out 2024.

Four-day School Week Survey- Input Requested

As you are aware, our district made a significant change in moving to a four-day school week. As we begin planning for the 2025-26 school year calendar, we would like your feedback about this change to ensure we are meeting the intended goals. A survey link was sent to your email. We will be asking students in grades 6-12 and staff for their feedback as well. 

Calendar Updates   

We have consolidated to a single-source online daily calendar of events (Bound) that includes activities (sports, fine arts, concerts, speech, special events etc.) as well as no school days and early outs. Use this as the best source of information. If an event has been added, changed or canceled, the district will input this information into Bound and it updates immediately. This is especially important during the winter months.

Options to view the calendar

  1. - Click on the Daily Events icon 

  2. Download the free Melcher-Dallas School District app from your app store, click on menu and then Daily Events *Note: If you want to view other things in Bound, use the Bound app directly. 

  3. Download the free Bound app, choose Melcher-Dallas, and click the calendar icon in the upper left corner.      

Upcoming Schedule Highlights

The winter sports season begins with the first home basketball games on Tuesday, November 26. Good luck to all of the athletes! Thanksgiving break is November 27-29, and there is no school on Monday, December 2. The Winter Break is December 23-January 3, and a reminder that we DO have school on Monday, January 6. 

No School Days Due to Inclement Weather

In the event of no school days, late starts and early outs due to inclement weather, we will utilize Mondays to make up instructional time rather than adding days onto the end of the school year. We will announce the plan to make up for inclement weather-related instructional time late winter or early spring. 

If you are not receiving school notifications, please contact a school office to be sure we have your accurate contact information on file (emails and cell phone numbers). And, be sure to remind your student(s) to dress appropriately for the winter weather so that we can enjoy as much outside recess time as possible.

I want to thank students and staff for their hard work, and parents and community members for their continued support of our district. I wish you and your family all the best as we head into the holiday season. 


Scott Bridges, Superintendent
