Story by Journalism Student Chloe Carter
On Thursday, January 16, band members senior Isabella Carter, junior Jorja Gravett, and sophomore Amber Addington had the opportunity to attend and perform at the Simpson High School Honor Band this year. Band teacher, Maddy Hanson, stated that honor band is a good learning experience for her students.
In honor band, a chair is based on a student's abilities with playing their chosen instrument. There is a ranking system going by first being the absolute best.
Gravett made first chair as the only baritone saxophone in the entire honor band. Carter made second chair on the clarinet. Addington played percussion, which is not based on the same system as other instrument groups.
Honor band gives students an opportunity to perform more challenging songs and perform with other talented high school students from around the area. The honor band is led by Dr. Mike Eckerty, the Director of Instrumental Music at Simpson College. Eckerty stated “They really grew to listen to each other.”
Carter said “I got to get a glimpse into a college band experience which I’m really excited to hopefully go into next year.” She hopes to be involved in band in college.