Terrific job, Addison!
Terrific job, Aleeah!
Terrific job, Brylee!
Terrific job, Carter!
Music Boosters Cupcake Fundraiser begins TODAY!
Parents and students- check email for more info. Students in grades 7-12 who ride the pep bus receive a complimentary ticket due to generous donors! Community - come out and support the Saints at the Wells! Link to purchase tickets: https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Highschool646
Melcher-Dallas CSD is looking for an Associate in the High School Building. If you are interested please fill out this application below and return it to heaberlina@melcher-dallas.k12.ia.us!
Group Improv and Readers Theater received I ratings and are moving onto state February 8. Congrats to Sydney Busick, Chloe Carter, Austin Remster, Gabby Overgaard, Brenya Johnson, Sophie Lamb, Lotty Nolte, Kaden Schrader, Coach Ms. Benedict, Jorja Gravett and Izzy Carter!
Finally a warmER day to recognize HEART students!!! Awesome job!!!!!👏👏👏👏
Melcher-Dallas Elementary is Heart Healthy! Join us in learning about heart health and raising funds to protect our hearts. As of this post, the school is close to reaching its goal. Click on the QR code to see the progress and to support! The donation due date is 1/28.
MD FFA store is back open if anyone is interested in FFA apparel.
Questions contact Carrie Putz
MD After Prom is running another round of MD apparel orders. Get yours before February 2!
The M-D Music Boosters has gone techy! In placing orders with a student or via email to Dr. Kingrey (kingreyb@melcher-dallas.k12.ia.us), you can now pay through Venmo. Please look for our name and logo
If you place an order online and want to pay through Venmo, please make note that, for example, you ordered from John Doe, but paid online. We'll match our records together prior to placing our large order with Kay's Kupcakes in Knoxville.
No evening activities today. That includes no practices for all sports.
📢 Announcement for Saints Fans!
Due to today’s school cancellation, tonight’s basketball games vs. Diagonal have been postponed to Thursday. 🎉
We’re still excited to celebrate Senior Night on Thursday as planned. Let’s make it a night to remember!
Thank you for your understanding, and we’ll see you all Thursday! 🏀💙 #GoSaints
Breakfast is available every school day.
There will be no school on Tuesday, January 21st due to extreme cold weather.
Recognizing these Motivational and Magnificent students on this chilly Monday!
Recognizing these Motivational and Magnificent students on this chilly Monday!